If a President Is Impeached

Procedure for charging a public official with legal offenses by the legislature(s)

Brazilian president Dilma Rousseff (left) and South Korean president Park Geun-Hye (correct) were both impeached and removed from office in 2016.

Impeachment is the procedure past which a legislative body or other legally constituted tribunal initiates charges against a public official for misconduct.[one] [2] It may be understood as a unique procedure involving both political and legal elements.[3] [4] [5]

In Europe and Latin America impeachment tends to be confined to ministerial officials[6] as the unique nature of their positions may place ministers across the attain of the police force to prosecute, or their misconduct is not codified into law as an criminal offence except through the unique expectations of their loftier role. Both "peers and commoners" accept been bailiwick to the process nevertheless.[vii] From 1990 to 2020 at that place have been at least 272 impeachment charges confronting 132 different heads of land in 63 countries.[8] About democracies (with the notable exception of the United States) involve the courts (often a national ramble court) in some way.[ix] [1]

In Latin America, which includes well-nigh 40% of the world'south presidential systems, ten presidents from six countries were removed from office by their national legislatures via impeachments or declarations of incapacity betwixt 1978 and 2019.[10]

National legislations differ regarding both the consequences and definition of impeachment, just the intent is nigh always to expeditiously vacate the office. In most nations the procedure begins in the lower house of a bicameral assembly who bring charges of misconduct, then the upper business firm administers a trial and sentencing.[half dozen] Most commonly, an official is considered impeached subsequently the business firm votes to accept the charges, and impeachment itself does not remove the official from office.[6]

Considering impeachment involves a difference from the normal constitutional procedures past which individuals reach high office (election, ratification, or appointment) and considering it generally requires a supermajority, they are commonly reserved for those deemed to have committed serious abuses of their function.[xi] In the U.s.a., for example, impeachment at the federal level is limited to those who may have committed "Treason, Bribery, or other high crimes and misdemeanors"—the latter phrase referring to offenses against the government or the constitution, grave abuses of power, violations of the public trust, or other political crimes, even if not indictable criminal offenses.[4] [12] Under the United States Constitution, the Business firm of Representatives has the sole power of impeachments while the Senate has the sole power to try impeachments (i.e., to acquit or convict); the validity of an impeachment trial is a political question that is nonjusticiable (i.e.., is not reviewable by the courts).[xiii] In the The states, impeachment is a remedial rather than penal process,[xiii] [14] : 8 intended to "effectively 'maintain constitutional government' by removing individuals unfit for office";[xiv] : 8 persons subject to impeachment and removal remain "liable and subject to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Punishment, according to Law."[14]

Impeachment is provided for in the constitutional laws of many countries including Brazil, France, India, Ireland, the Philippines, Russia, South korea, and the United States. It is distinct from the motion of no confidence procedure available some countries whereby a move of censure can be used to remove a government and its ministers from office. Such a procedure is not applicable in countries with presidential forms of regime like the The states.[15]

Etymology and history [edit]

The give-and-take "impeachment" likely derives from Old French empeechier from Latin word impedīre expressing the idea of catching or ensnaring by the 'pes' (pes, pedis), and has analogues in the mod French verb empêcher (to foreclose) and the modern English impede. Medieval popular etymology besides associated it (wrongly) with derivations from the Latin impetere (to attack).

The process was commencement used by the English "Expert Parliament" confronting William Latimer, 4th Baron Latimer in the second half of the 14th century. Following the English example, the constitutions of Virginia (1776), Massachusetts (1780) and other states thereafter adopted the impeachment mechanism, simply they restricted the punishment to removal of the official from role.

In West Africa, Kings of the Ashanti Empire who violated any of the oaths taken during his or her enstoolment, were destooled by Kingmakers.[16] For example, if a king punished citizens arbitrarily or was exposed to be corrupt, he would exist destooled. Destoolment entailed Kingmakers removing the sandals of the king and bumping his buttocks on the basis three times. In one case destooled from office, his sanctity and thus reverence are lost as he cannot exercise whatever powers he had as male monarch; this includes Chief administrator, Estimate, and Armed forces Commander. The now previous rex is tending of the Stool, swords and other regalia which symbolize his office and dominance. He besides loses the position as custodian of the land. However, despite being destooled from office, the male monarch remains a member of the Royal Family from which he was elected.[xvi]

In diverse jurisdictions [edit]

Brazil [edit]

In Brazil, as in most other Latin American countries, "impeachment" refers to the definitive removal from office. The president of Brazil may exist provisionally removed from office by the Chamber of Deputies so tried and definitely removed from role past the Federal Senate. The Brazilian Constitution requires that two-thirds of the Deputies vote in favor of the opening of the impeachment procedure of the President and that two-thirds of the Senators vote for impeachment. State governors and municipal mayors can also be impeached by the respective legislative bodies. Article 2 of Law no. 1.079, from 10 April 1950, or "The Police of Impeachment", states that "The crimes defined in this police force, even when merely attempted, are discipline to the penalization of loss of role, with disqualification for up to five years for the practice of whatever public function, to be imposed past the Federal Senate in proceedings against the President of the Republic, Ministers of State, Ministers of the Supreme Federal Tribunal, or the Attorney General."

Initiation: An allegation of a responsibility criminal offence against the President may be brought by any Brazilian citizen even so the President of the Sleeping room of Deputies holds prerogative to have the charge, which if accepted will be read at the next session and reported to the President of the Republic.

Extraordinary Committee: An extraordinary commission is elected with member representation from each political party proportional to that party'southward membership. The President is and so allowed ten parliamentary sessions for defense, which lead to two legislative sessions to form a rapporteur's legal opinion equally to if impeachment proceedings will or will non exist sent for a trial in the Senate. The rapporteur'south opinion is voted on in the Committee; and on a simple majority it may be accepted. Failing that, the Committee adopts an opinion produced by the majority. For instance, if the rapporteur'southward opinion is that no impeachment is warranted, and the Committee vote fails to accept it, so the Committee adopts the stance to proceed with impeachment. Besides, if the rapporteur's opinion is to go on with impeachment, but information technology fails to achieve majority in the Commission, then the Commission adopts the opinion not to impeach. If the vote succeeds, then the rapporteur'south opinion is adopted.

Sleeping room of Deputies: The Chamber issues a call-out vote to accept the opinion of the Committee, requiring either a supermajority of two thirds in favor of an impeachment opinion (or a supermajority of two thirds against a dismissal opinion) of the Committee, in lodge to authorize the Senate impeachment proceedings. The President is suspended (provisionally removed) from office every bit shortly as the Senate receives and accepts from the Sleeping accommodation of Deputies the impeachment charges and decides to proceed with a trial.

The Senate: The process in the Senate had been historically defective in procedural guidance until 1992, when the Senate published in the Official Diary of the Union the step-by-stride procedure of the Senate'south impeachment process, which involves the formation of another special committee and closely resembles the lower house process, with time constraints imposed on the steps taken. The committee's opinion must be presented within ten days, later on which it is put to a call-out vote at the next session. The vote must proceed within a single session; the vote on President Rousseff took over xx hours. A simple majority vote in the Senate begins formal deliberation on the complaint, immediately suspends the President from office, installs the Vice President as acting president, and begins a xx-mean solar day period for written defense force as well as upwards to 180-days for the trial. In the upshot the trial proceeds slowly and exceeds 180 days, the Brazilian Constitution determines that the President is entitled to return and stay provisionally in role until the trial comes to its conclusion.

Senate plenary deliberation: The committee interrogates the accused or their counsel, from which they have a right to abstain, and also a probative session which guarantees the accused rights to contradiction, or audiatur et altera pars, allowing admission to the courts and due process of law under Article 5 of the constitution. The accused has 15 days to present written arguments in defence force and answer to the show gathered, and then the committee shall issue an opinion on the merits within ten days. The unabridged package is published for each senator before a single plenary session bug a telephone call-out vote, which shall proceed to trial on a simple majority and close the case otherwise.

Senate trial: A hearing for the complainant and the accused convenes inside 48 hours of notification from deliberation, from which a trial is scheduled past the president of the Supreme Court no less than ten days later the hearing. The senators sit as judges, while witnesses are interrogated and cantankerous-examined; all questions must be presented to the president of the Supreme Court, who, as prescribed in the Constitution, presides over the trial. The president of the Supreme Court allots time for debate and rebuttal, afterward which time the parties exit the chamber and the senators deliberate on the indictment. The President of the Supreme Court reads the summary of the grounds, the charges, the defense and the evidence to the Senate. The senators in turn issue their judgement. On conviction past a supermajority of ii thirds, the president of the Supreme Court pronounces the sentence and the accused is immediately notified. If in that location is no supermajority for conviction, the accused is acquitted.

Upon confidence, the officeholder has his or her political rights revoked for eight years, which bars them from running for any office during that time.[17]

Fernando Collor de Mello, the 32nd President of Brazil, resigned in 1992 amidst impeachment proceedings. Despite his resignation, the Senate nonetheless voted to convict him and bar him from holding any part for eight years, due to testify of bribery and misappropriation.

In 2016, the Chamber of Deputies initiated an impeachment case against President Dilma Rousseff on allegations of budgetary mismanagement, a crime of responsibility under the Constitution.[18] On 12 May 2016, after 20 hours of deliberation, the admissibility of the accusation was approved past the Senate with 55 votes in favor and 22 against (an absolute majority would have been sufficient for this footstep) and Vice President Michel Temer was notified to assume the duties of the President awaiting trial. On August 31, 61 senators voted in favor of impeachment and xx voted against it, thus achieving the 2iii majority needed for Rousseff's definitive removal. A vote to disqualify her for v years was taken and failed (in spite of the Constitution not separating disqualification from removal) having less than 2 thirds in favor.[17]

Croatia [edit]

The process of impeaching the president of Republic of croatia can exist initiated by a two-thirds majority vote in favor in the Sabor and is thereafter referred to the Constitutional Courtroom, which must have such a proposal with a two-thirds majority vote in favor in order for the president to be removed from office. This has never occurred in the history of the Republic of Croatia. In case of a successful impeachment motion a president'south constitutional term of five years would be terminated and an ballot called within 60 days of the vacancy occurring. During the menstruum of vacancy the presidential powers and duties would exist carried out past the speaker of the Croatian Parliament in his/her capacity as Interim President of the Republic.[19]

Czech republic [edit]

In 2013, the constitution was inverse. Since 2013, the process can be started by at least three-fifths of present senators, and must be approved by at least three-fifths of all members of the Chamber of Deputies within iii months. Also, the President can be impeached for high treason (newly defined in the Constitution) or any serious infringement of the Constitution.[20]

The process starts in the Senate of the Czech republic which has the right to only impeach the president. Later the approval by the Sleeping room of Deputies, the case is passed to the Ramble Court of the Czech republic, which has to decide the verdict against the president. If the Court finds the President guilty, then the President is removed from function and is permanently barred from being elected President of the Czech Republic once again.[21]

No Czech president has ever been impeached, though members of the Senate sought to impeach President Václav Klaus in 2013.[22] This case was dismissed by the court, which reasoned that his mandate had expired.[23] The Senate besides proposed to impeach president Miloš Zeman in 2019 [24] just the Bedroom of Deputies did not vote on the event in fourth dimension and thus the case did non even continue to the Court.

Denmark [edit]

In Kingdom of denmark the possibility for current and former ministers being impeached was established with the Danish Constitution of 1849. Unlike many other countries Denmark does not accept a Constitutional Court who would normally handle these types of cases. Instead Denmark has a special Court of Impeachment (In Danish: Rigsretten) which is called upon every fourth dimension a current and former government minister take been impeached. The office of the Impeachment Court is to process and deliver judgments confronting electric current and former ministers who are defendant of unlawful conduct in part. The legal content of ministerial responsibleness is laid down in the Ministerial Accountability Act which has its groundwork in section 13 of the Danish Constitution, according to which the ministers' accountability is adamant in more item by law. In Denmark the normal practise in terms of impeachment cases is that information technology needs to be brought up in the Danish Parliament (Folketing) first for debate between the different members and parties in the parliament. After the contend the members of the Danish Parliament vote on whether a current or erstwhile minister needs to be impeached. If there is a majority in the Danish Parliament for an impeachment case against a current or old government minister, an Impeachment Courtroom is called into session. In Denmark the Impeachment Court consists of upwards to 15 Supreme Court judges and 15 parliament members appointed by the Danish Parliament. The members of the Impeachment Court in Denmark serve a six-twelvemonth term in this position.[25]

In 1995 the former Minister of Justice Erik Ninn-Hansen from the Conservative People'south Party was impeached in connexion with the Tamil Case. The instance was centered effectually the illegal processing of family reunification applications. From September 1987 to Jan 1989 applications for family reunification of Tamil refugees from civil war-torn Sri Lanka were put on hold in violation of Danish and International police. On 22 June 1995, Ninn-Hansen was establish guilty of violating paragraph five subsection 1 of the Danish Ministerial Responsibility Act which says: A minister is punished if he intentionally or through gross negligence neglects the duties incumbent on him under the constitution or legislation in general or according to the nature of his mail service. A majority of the judges in that impeachment case voted for former Minister of Justice Erik Ninn-Hansen to receive a suspended sentence of four months with 1 year of probation. The reason why the sentence was made suspended was specially in relation to Ninn-Hansen'southward personal circumstances, in particular, his health and age - Ninn-Hansen was 73 years sometime when the sentence was handed down. After the verdict, Ninn-Hansen complained to the European Courtroom of Human being Rights and complained, among other things, that the Court of Impeachment was not impartial. The European Court of Human being Rights dismissed the complaint on eighteen May 1999. Equally a direct upshot and consequence of this case, the Bourgeois-led regime and Prime Government minister at that time Poul Schlüter was forced to step down from power.[26] [27]

In Feb 2021 the former Minister for Clearing and Integration Inger Støjberg at that time member of the Danish Liberal Party Venstre was impeached when it was discovered that she had possibly against both Danish and International law tried to separate couples in refugee centres in Denmark, as the wives of the couples were under legal historic period. Co-ordinate to a commission report Inger Støjberg had as well lied in the Danish Parliament and failed to report relevant details to the Parliamentary Ombudsman[28] The decision to initiate an impeachment case was adopted by the Danish Parliament with a 141–30 vote and decision (In Denmark xc members of the parliament demand to vote for impeachment before it can be implemented). On xiii December 2021 former Minister for Clearing and Integration Inger Støjberg was bedevilled by the special Court of Impeachment of separating asylum seeker families illegally according to Danish and international constabulary and sentenced to 60 days in prison.[29] The majority of the judges in the special Court of Impeachment (25 out of 26 judges) found that it had been proven that Inger Støjberg on 10 Feb 2016 decided that an adaptation scheme should apply without the possibility of exceptions, so that all asylum-seeking spouses and cohabiting couples where one was a modest anile 15–17, had to be separated and accommodated separately in dissever aviary centers.[xxx] On 21 December, a majority in the Folketing voted that the sentence ways that she is no longer worthy of sitting in the Folketing and she therefore immediately lost her seat.[31]

French republic [edit]

In France the comparable procedure is called destitution. The president of French republic can exist impeached by the French Parliament for willfully violating the Constitution or the national laws. The process of impeachment is written in the 68th article of the French Constitution.[32] A group of senators or a group of members of the National Assembly can begin the procedure. So, both the National Associates and the Senate must admit the impeachment. After the upper and lower houses' agreement, they unite to class the High Courtroom. Finally, the High Court must decide to declare the impeachment of the president of France—or non.

Deutschland [edit]

The federal president of Germany can exist impeached both past the Bundestag and by the Bundesrat for willfully violating federal law. Once the Bundestag or the Bundesrat impeaches the president, the Federal Constitutional Courtroom decides whether the President is guilty as charged and, if this is the case, whether to remove him or her from office. The Federal Constitutional Courtroom also has the power to remove federal judges from role for willfully violating core principles of the federal constitution or a state constitution. The impeachment procedure is regulated in Article 61 of the Bones Law for the Federal Republic of Deutschland.

There is no formal impeachment process for the chancellor of Federal republic of germany, nevertheless the Bundestag tin replace the chancellor at whatsoever time past voting for a new chancellor (constructive vote of no confidence, Commodity 67 of the Basic Law).

There has never been an impeachment against the President so far. Effective votes of no confidence against the chancellor occurred in 1972 and 1982, with merely the second one beingness successful.

Hong Kong [edit]

The chief executive of Hong Kong can be impeached by the Legislative Council. A movement for investigation, initiated jointly by at to the lowest degree one-quaternary of all the legislators charging the Primary Executive with "serious breach of law or dereliction of duty" and refusing to resign, shall beginning exist passed by the council. An contained investigation committee, chaired past the principal justice of the Courtroom of Last Entreatment, volition then comport out the investigation and report back to the council. If the Council detect the prove sufficient to substantiate the charges, information technology may laissez passer a movement of impeachment by a two-thirds bulk.[33] : Commodity 73(ix)

However, the Legislative Council does not have the ability to actually remove the chief executive from part, as the main executive is appointed past the Central People's Government (State Council of China). The council can just report the result to the Central People's Government for its conclusion.[33] : Article 45

Republic of hungary [edit]

Article 13 of Hungary's Primal Law (constitution) provides for the process of impeaching and removing the president. The president enjoys immunity from criminal prosecution while in role, but may be charged with crimes committed during his term afterwards. Should the president violate the constitution while discharging his duties or commit a willful criminal offense, he may be removed from office. Removal proceedings may be proposed by the concurring recommendation of i-5th of the 199 members of the country'due south unicameral Parliament. Parliament votes on the proposal past secret ballot, and if two thirds of all representatives agree, the president is impeached. Once impeached, the president's powers are suspended, and the Constitutional Court decides whether or non the President should be removed from part.[34] [35]

Republic of india [edit]

The president and judges, including the main justice of the supreme court and high courts, can be impeached past the parliament before the expiry of the term for violation of the Constitution. Other than impeachment, no other penalisation tin be given to a president in position for the violation of the Constitution under Article 361 of the constitution. Nevertheless a president after his/her term/removal can be punished for his already proven unlawful action under disrespecting the constitution, etc.[36] No president has faced impeachment proceedings. Hence, the provisions for impeachment take never been tested. The sitting president cannot be charged and needs to step downwardly in gild for that to happen.

Ireland [edit]

In the Republic of Ireland formal impeachment applies only to the Irish president. Commodity 12 of the Irish Constitution provides that, unless judged to be "permanently incapacitated" by the Supreme Court, the president can exist removed from function only past the houses of the Oireachtas (parliament) and only for the commission of "stated misbehaviour". Either business firm of the Oireachtas may impeach the president, but only past a resolution canonical by a majority of at least two thirds of its full number of members; and a house may not consider a proposal for impeachment unless requested to do so by at least 30 of its number.

Where i business firm impeaches the president, the remaining house either investigates the charge or commissions another body or commission to practise so. The investigating house can remove the president if it decides, by at least a ii-thirds bulk of its members, both that the president is guilty of the accuse and that the charge is sufficiently serious as to warrant the president's removal. To date no impeachment of an Irish president has ever taken place. The president holds a largely ceremonial office, the dignity of which is considered important, so information technology is probable that a president would resign from role long before undergoing formal confidence or impeachment.

Italia [edit]

In Italia, co-ordinate to Commodity 90 of the Constitution, the President of Italy tin be impeached through a bulk vote of the Parliament in articulation session for high treason and for attempting to overthrow the Constitution. If impeached, the president of the Republic is then tried by the Constitutional Court integrated with 16 citizens older than 40 chosen by lot from a list compiled past the Parliament every nine years.

Italian press and political forces fabricated use of the term "impeachment" for the endeavour past some members of parliamentary opposition to initiate the procedure provided for in Commodity 90 confronting Presidents Francesco Cossiga (1991),[37] [ better source needed ] Giorgio Napolitano (2014)[38] [ better source needed ] and Sergio Mattarella (2018).[39] [ improve source needed ]

Nippon [edit]

By Article 78 of the Constitution of Japan, judges can be impeached.[40] The voting method is specified by laws. The National Diet has 2 organs, namely [裁判官訴追委員会] Error: {{Lang}}: unrecognized language code: jp (help) ([Saibankan sotsui iinkai] Mistake: {{Lang}}: unrecognized language code: jp (assist)) and [裁判官弾劾裁判所] Error: {{Lang}}: unrecognized language lawmaking: jp (help) ([Saibankan dangai saibansho] Mistake: {{Lang}}: unrecognized linguistic communication lawmaking: jp (help)), which is established by Commodity 64 of the Constitution.[41] The former has a office like to prosecutor and the latter is coordinating to Courtroom. Seven judges were removed by them.

Liechtenstein [edit]

Members of the Liechtenstein Government can be impeached before the State Courtroom for breaches of the Constitution or of other laws.[42] : Commodity 62 Equally a hereditary monarchy the Sovereign Prince cannot be impeached as he "is not subject to the jurisdiction of the courts and does non take legal responsibility".[42] : Article 7 The aforementioned is true of any member of the Princely Business firm who exercises the function of head of state should the Prince exist temporarily prevented or in preparation for the Succession.[42] : Article 7

Lithuania [edit]

In the Republic of Republic of lithuania, the president may be impeached by a three-fifths majority in the Seimas.[43] President Rolandas Paksas was removed from office by impeachment on six April 2004 afterward the Constitutional Court of Lithuania constitute him guilty of having violated his oath and the constitution. He was the outset European head of state to have been impeached.[44]

Kingdom of norway [edit]

Members of government, representatives of the national assembly (Stortinget) and Supreme Court judges tin exist impeached for criminal offenses tied to their duties and committed in office, according to the Constitution of 1814, §§ 86 and 87. The procedural rules were modeled afterwards the U.S. rules and are quite similar to them. Impeachment has been used viii times since 1814, last in 1927. Many argue that impeachment has fallen into desuetude. In cases of impeachment, an appointed court (Riksrett) takes effect.

Philippines [edit]

Impeachment in the Philippines follows procedures like to the United States. Under Sections2 and 3, Article Xi, Constitution of the Philippines, the House of Representatives of the Philippines has the exclusive power to initiate all cases of impeachment confronting the president, vice president, members of the Supreme Court, members of the Constitutional Commissions (Commission on Elections, Civil Service Commission and the Commission on Audit), and the ombudsman. When a third of its membership has endorsed the impeachment articles, it is then transmitted to the Senate of the Philippines which tries and decide, equally impeachment tribunal, the impeachment case.[45]

A principal difference from U.Southward. proceedings notwithstanding is that only one 3rd of House members are required to approve the motion to impeach the president (every bit opposed to a simple majority of those nowadays and voting in their U.Due south. counterpart). In the Senate, selected members of the House of Representatives act as the prosecutors and the senators act as judges with the Senate president presiding over the proceedings (the chief justice jointly presides with the Senate president if the president is on trial). Like the United States, to convict the official in question requires that a minimum of two thirds (i.east. sixteen of 24 members) of all the members of the Senate vote in favor of conviction. If an impeachment attempt is unsuccessful or the official is acquitted, no new cases can exist filed against that impeachable official for at least i full twelvemonth.

Impeachment proceedings and attempts [edit]

President Joseph Estrada was the first official impeached by the House in 2000, simply the trial ended prematurely due to outrage over a vote to open an envelope where that motion was narrowly defeated by his allies. Estrada was deposed days later during the 2001 EDSA Revolution.

In 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, impeachment complaints were filed against President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo, but none of the cases reached the required endorsement of 1iii of the members for transmittal to, and trial by, the Senate.

In March 2011, the House of Representatives impeached Ombudsman Merceditas Gutierrez, condign the second person to exist impeached. In April, Gutierrez resigned prior to the Senate'due south convening equally an impeachment court.

In December 2011, in what was described equally "blitzkrieg mode", 188 of the 285 members of the Business firm of Representatives voted to transmit the 56-folio Articles of Impeachment confronting Supreme Court main justice Renato Corona.

To date, three officials had been successfully impeached by the Business firm of Representatives, and ii were non convicted. The latter, Main Justice Renato C. Corona, was convicted on 29 May 2012, by the Senate under Article Ii of the Articles of Impeachment (for betraying public trust), with twenty–3 votes from the Senator Judges.

Peru [edit]

The start impeachment procedure against Pedro Pablo Kuczynski, then the incumbent President of Peru since 2016, was initiated by the Congress of Republic of peru on 15 December 2017. Co-ordinate to Luis Galarreta, the President of the Congress, the whole process of impeachment could have taken as little as a week to complete.[46] This upshot was part of the 2d stage of the political crunch generated by the confrontation betwixt the Government of Pedro Pablo Kuczynski and the Congress, in which the opposition Popular Force has an absolute majority. The impeachment request was rejected by the congress on 21 Dec 2017, for failing to obtain sufficient votes for the deposition.[47]

Romania [edit]

The president can be impeached by Parliament and is and then suspended. A plebiscite and then follows to determine whether the suspended President should be removed from part. President Traian Băsescu was impeached twice by the Parliament: in 2007 and then again in July 2012. A plebiscite was held on 19 May 2007 and a large majority of the electorate voted confronting removing the president from office. For the nearly recent suspension a referendum was held on July 29, 2012; the results were heavily against the president, but the referendum was invalidated due to low turnout.[48] [ circular reference ]

Russia [edit]

Boris Yeltsin, as president of Russia, survived several impeachment attempts

In 1999, members of the Country Duma of Russia, led past the Communist Political party of the Russia, unsuccessfully attempted to impeach President Boris Yeltsin on charges relating to his office in the 1993 Russian ramble crisis and launching the First Chechen War (1995–96); efforts to launch impeachment proceedings failed.[49] [50] [51]

Singapore [edit]

The Constitution of Singapore allows the impeachment of a sitting president on charges of treason, violation of the Constitution, corruption, or attempting to mislead the Presidential Elections Committee for the purpose of demonstrating eligibility to be elected as president. The prime minister or at least one-quarter of all members of Parliament (MPs) can pass an impeachment motion, which tin can succeed only if at least half of all MPs (excluding nominated members) vote in favor, whereupon the chief justice of the Supreme Court volition appoint a tribunal to investigate allegations against the president. If the tribunal finds the president guilty, or otherwise declares that the president is "permanently incapable of discharging the functions of his office by reason of mental or physical infirmity", Parliament volition agree a vote on a resolution to remove the president from role, which requires a three-quarters bulk to succeed.[52] No president has e'er been removed from office in this fashion.

Southward Africa [edit]

When the Matrimony of South Africa was established in 1910, the only officials who could be impeached (though the term itself was non used) were the chief justice and judges of the Supreme Courtroom of South Africa. The scope was broadened when the land became a republic in 1961, to include the state president. It was further broadened in 1981 to include the new office of vice state president; and in 1994 to include the executive deputy presidents, the public protector and the Accountant-Full general. Since 1997, members of certain commissions established by the Constitution tin also exist impeached. The grounds for impeachment, and the procedures to be followed, have changed several times over the years.

Republic of korea [edit]

According to the Article 65 Clause 1 of Constitution of South Korea, if President, Prime Government minister, or other state quango members including Supreme Court and Constitutional court members, violate the Constitution or other laws of official duty, the National Assembly can impeach them. Clause2 states the impeachment pecker may be proposed by one third or more of the total members of the National Assembly, and shall crave majority voting and approved by two thirds or more of the total members of the National Assembly. This article also states that whatsoever person against whom a motion for impeachment has been passed shall be suspended from exercising his power until the impeachment has been adjudicated and shall not extend further than removal from public office, provided that it shall non exempt the person impeached from civil or criminal liability.

Two presidents take been impeached since the establishing of the South korea in 1948. Roh Moo-hyun in 2004 was impeached by the National Assembly just was overturned by the Constitutional Court. Park Geun-hye in 2016 was impeached past the National Assembly, and the impeachment was confirmed by the Constitutional Court on March 10, 2017.[53] [54]

In February 2021, Judge Lim Seong-geun of the Busan Loftier Courtroom was impeached by the National Assembly for meddling in politically sensitive trials, the first ever impeachment of a judge in Korean history. Unlike presidential impeachments, only a simple majority is required to impeach.[55]

Turkey [edit]

In Turkey, according to the Constitution, the One thousand National Assembly may initiate an investigation of the president, the vice president or whatsoever member of the Cabinet upon the proposal of simple majority of its total members, and within a period less than a month, the approving of three-fifths of the total members.[56] The investigation would be carried out by a commission of xv members of the Assembly, each nominated by the political parties in proportion to their representation therein. The commission would submit its report indicating the outcome of the investigation to the speaker within two months. If the investigation is not completed within this period, the commission's time may be renewed for another calendar month. Within ten days of its submission to the speaker, the report would be distributed to all members of the Associates, and ten days afterwards its distribution, the report would be discussed on the floor. Upon the approval of 2 thirds of the total number of the Assembly past secret vote, the person or persons, about whom the investigation was conducted, may be tried before the Constitutional Court. The trial would exist finalized inside three months, and if not, a one-time boosted menstruum of three months shall exist granted. The president, about whom an investigation has been initiated, may not call for an election. The president, who is convicted by the Court, would be removed from office.

The provision of this article shall also apply to the offenses for which the president allegedly worked during his term of office.

Ukraine [edit]

During the crisis which started in November 2013, the increasing political stress of the face-down between the protestors occupying Independence Square in Kyiv and the State Security forces nether the command of President Yanukovych led to deadly armed strength existence used on the protestors. Following the negotiated return of Kyiv'due south City Hall on 16 Feb 2014, occupied by the protesters since Nov 2013, the security forces thought they could also retake "Maidan", Independence Square. The ensuing fighting from 17 through 21 February 2014 resulted in a considerable number of deaths and a more generalised alienation of the population, and the withdrawal of President Yanukovych to his support area in the Due east of Ukraine.

In the wake of the president's departure, Parliament convened on 22 February; it reinstated the 2004 Constitution, which reduced presidential dominance, and voted impeachment of President Yanukovych equally de facto recognition of his departure from office every bit President of an integrated Ukraine. The president riposted that Parliament'southward acts were illegal equally they could pass into law only by presidential signature.

U.k. [edit]

In the United Kingdom, in principle, anybody may be prosecuted and tried past the two Houses of Parliament for any law-breaking.[57] The get-go recorded impeachment is that of William Latimer, 4th Baron Latimer during the Good Parliament of 1376. The latest was that of Henry Dundas, 1st Viscount Melville which started in 1805 and which ended with his acquittal in June 1806.[58] Over the centuries, the procedure has been supplemented past other forms of oversight including select committees, confidence motions, and judicial review, while the privilege of peers to trial only in the Business firm of Lords was abolished in 1948 (run into Judicial functions of the Firm of Lords § Trials), and thus impeachment, which has not kept upwards with modernistic norms of commonwealth or procedural fairness, is generally considered obsolete.[57]

United States [edit]

United States president Donald Trump was impeached by the House of Representatives in 2019, and then again in 2021, with one week left in office.

In the federal system, the Article I of the United States Constitution provides that the House of Representatives has the "sole Power of Impeachment" and the Senate has "the sole Ability to try all Impeachments".[59] Article 2 provides that "The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United states of america, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Confidence of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors."[60] In the United States, impeachment is the start of 2 stages; an official may be impeached by a bulk vote of the House, but confidence and removal from part in the Senate requires "the concurrence of 2 thirds of the members present".[61] Impeachment is analogous to an indictment.[62]

According to the House practice manual, "Impeachment is a ramble remedy to address serious offenses against the organisation of government. It is the first step in a remedial process—that of removal from public office and possible disqualification from holding further role. The purpose of impeachment is not punishment; rather, its function is primarily to maintain constitutional government."[63] Impeachment may be understood as a unique process involving both political and legal elements.[iii] [4] [five] The Constitution provides that "Judgment in Cases of Impeachment shall not extend farther than to removal from Function, and disqualification to agree and savor whatsoever Office of honor, Trust or Profit under the Usa: but the Party convicted shall nevertheless be liable and field of study to Indictment, Trial, Judgment and Penalization, according to Constabulary."[64] It is generally accepted that "a onetime President may be prosecuted for crimes of which he was acquitted by the Senate".[65]

The U.Due south. Firm of Representatives has impeached an official 21 times since 1789: 4 times for presidents, 15 times for federal judges, once for a Cabinet secretary, and once for a senator.[66] Of the 21, the Senate voted to remove eight (all federal judges) from office.[66] The four impeachments of presidents were: Andrew Johnson in 1868, Beak Clinton in 1998, and Donald Trump twice: first in 2019, and a second time in 2021.[67] All four impeachments were followed by acquittal in the Senate.[66] An impeachment process was also commenced against Richard Nixon, only he resigned in 1974 to avert likely removal from office.[68]

Almost all country constitutions set along parallel impeachment procedures for state governments, allowing the state legislature to impeach officials of the state government.[69] From 1789 through 2008, fourteen governors take been impeached (including ii who were impeached twice), of whom 7 governors were convicted.[seventy]

See also [edit]

  • List of impeachments of heads of state

References [edit]

  1. ^ a b "impeachment | Definition, Process, History, & Facts". Encyclopedia Britannica . Retrieved 15 November 2020.
  2. ^ Landau, Sidney; Brantley, Sheila; Davis, Samuel; Koenigsberg, Ruth, eds. (1997). Funk & Wagnall's Standard Desk Dictionary. Vol. 1 (1996 ed.). United States: Harper & Row, Publishers, Inc. p. 322. ISBN978-0-308-10353-5. one. To charge (a high public official) earlier a legally constituted tribunal with crime or misdemeanor in office. 2. To bring discredit upon the honesty or validity of.
  3. ^ a b Michael J. Gerhardt. "Impeachment is the law. Saying 'political process' only helps Trump's narrative". Washington Mail. while it's true that politics are leap upwardly in how impeachment plays out, information technology'southward a myth that impeachment is just political. Rather, it's the main legal remedy that the Constitution expressly specifies to agree presidents answerable
  4. ^ a b c Michael J. Gerhardt (2019). The Federal Impeachment Process: A Ramble and Historical Analysis (3d ed.). University of Chicago Press. pp. 106–07. ISBN9780226554976. The ratification debates support the conclusion that 'other high Crimes and Misdemeanors' were non limited to indictable offenses only rather included dandy offenses confronting the federal authorities. ... Justices James Wilson and Joseph Story expressed agreement with Hamilton's understanding of impeachment equally a political proceeding and impeachable offenses every bit political crimes.
  5. ^ a b Gerhardt, Michael (2018). Impeachment: What Everyone Needs to Know. New York, N.Y.: Oxford University Printing. p. xx. ISBN978-0190903657. LCCN 2018013560. Impeachment has elements of both legal and political proceedings. As a outcome, it is a unique process.
  6. ^ a b c Davidson, Roger (2005). "Impeachment". World Volume Encyclopedia. Vol. I x (2005 ed.). Chicago. p. 92. ISBN0-7166-0105-2.
  7. ^ "Impeachment". UK Parliament Glossary . Retrieved 5 February 2021. Impeachment is when a peer or commoner is accused of 'loftier crimes and misdemeanours, beyond the accomplish of the law or which no other authority in the land volition prosecute.'
  8. ^ Lawler, David (nineteen December 2019). "What impeaching leaders looks like around the globe". Axios . Retrieved 8 February 2021.
  9. ^ Huq, Aziz; Ginsburg, Tom; Landau, David. "Designing Better Impeachments: How other countries' constitutions protect against political free-for-alls". Boston Review . Retrieved 8 February 2021. Constitutions in 9 democracies give a court—often the state'southward ramble court—the power to begin an impeachment; another 61 constitutions place the court at the end of the process.
  10. ^ Ignacio Arana Araya, To Impeach or Not to Impeach: Lessons from Latin America, Georgetown Journal of International Affairs (December xiii, 2019).
  11. ^ Erskine, Daniel H. (2008). "The Trial of Queen Caroline and the Impeachment of President Clinton: Law As a Weapon for Political Reform". Washington Academy Global Studies Law Review. 7 (1). ISSN 1546-6981.
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  48. ^ ro:Referendumul pentru demiterea președintelui României, 2012
  49. ^ "Yeltsin impeachment hearings begin", The Guardian (May 13, 1999).
  50. ^ David Hoffman, "Bid to Impeach Yeltsin Defeated", Washington Post (May sixteen, 1999).
  51. ^ Michael Wines, "Bulldoze to Impeach Russian President Dies in Parliament", New York Times (May 16, 1999).
  52. ^ "Constitution of the Republic of Singapore—Singapore Statutes Online". /sso.agc.gov.sg. 2019.
  53. ^ Kim, Da-sol (8 December 2016). "Revisiting Roh Moo-hyun impeachment". The Korea Herald . Retrieved nine Feb 2021.
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  55. ^ "Legislature impeaches judge for political meddling". Korea JoongAng Daily. 4 February 2021.
  56. ^ "Thousand National Assembly of Turkey" (PDF). tbmmgov.tr. 2018.
  57. ^ a b Simson Caird, Jack (6 June 2016). "Commons Briefing papers CBP-7612" (PDF). Firm of Commons Library. Retrieved 14 May 2019.
  58. ^ Hutchison, Gary D (2017). "'The Director in Distress': Reaction to the Impeachment of Henry Dundas, 1805–vii" (PDF). Parliamentary History. 36 (2): 198–217. doi:10.1111/1750-0206.12295.
  59. ^ Firm Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the Firm, chap. 27 (Impeachment). U.S. Government Publishing Office, p. 594 (quoting U.S. Const. art. I, Sec. 2, cl. v; Sec. 3, cl. 6.).
  60. ^ ArtII.S4.one.2.1 Offices Eligible for Impeachment, Constitution Annotated, Congress.gov.
  61. ^ U.S. Constitution. Commodity I, § 3, clause vi. 12 November 2009.
  62. ^ House Exercise: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the House, chap. 27 (Impeachment). U.S. Government Publishing Role, p. 594: "An impeachment is instituted past a written accusation, called an 'Article of Impeachment,' which states the crime charged. The articles serve a purpose similar to that of an indictment in an ordinary criminal proceeding. Transmission Sec. 609."
  63. ^ House Practice: A Guide to the Rules, Precedents and Procedures of the House, chap. 27 (Impeachment). U.S. Regime Publishing Office, p. 591.
  64. ^ Art I.S3.C7.1.i Judgment in Cases of Impeachment: Overview, Constitution Annotated.
  65. ^ "Memorandum: Whether a Former President May Be Indicted and Tried for the Same Offenses for Which He was Impeached by the House and Acquitted by the Senate", U.S. Department of Justice, Office of Legal Counsel (August eighteen, 2000).
  66. ^ a b c "U.S. Senate: Impeachment". www.senate.gov . Retrieved xix September 2018.
  67. ^ Maggie Astor (xiii January 2021). "The Impeachment Proceedings That Came Before". The New York Times.
  68. ^ Gerhardt, Michael J. (2000). The Federal Impeachment Process: A Constitutional and Historical Analysis . Academy of Chicago Press. p. 27. ISBN9780226289571. attempted Impeachment of William O. Douglas.
  69. ^ "Impeachment and united states of america: A look at the history, provisions in place". knowledgecenter.csg.org. [ permanent dead link ]
  70. ^ "Research Response: Governors' Impeachments in U.Due south. History", Illinois General Associates Legislative Research Unit (July 8, 2008).

External links [edit]


Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Impeachment

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