Pokemon Rumble World How to Get Legendaries Easy
3DS Games
Pokemon Rumble Blast Answers for 3DS
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- Developer: Ambrella
- Publisher: Nintendo
- Genre: Action Beat-'Em-Up
- Release: Oct 24, 2011
- Platform: 3DS
- ESRB: Everyone 10+
Question & Answers
Whats the fastest way to get a legendary
I have been trying to get a lot of legendaries and found only a few can anyone give me some advice or ideas on how you get a lot of legendaries espacially the people that got a lot of legendaries
Answer from: SilentSlayer726
There really isn't an easy or fast way to do it unfortunately. Each time you go into an area, there is a 5% chance of the final yellow catapult to be sparkling. some people say that the faster you go through an area, the higher the chance will be, but i've tried that and it doesn't work for me... maybe i'm just unlucky.
Answer from: shadow
Raise the world rank and go the level really fast i got a virizion yesterday
Answer from: supershadow775
Just get a speedy pokemon and go through the levels, ignoring the enemies. it will take a while, 20, 30, 40, or if youre lucky 10 visits and it will appear.
Answer from: supershadow775
By the way xblazingamer99, it takes a lot more than 5 visits to get a legendary, and its impossible to get rock arceus in a cave, you find all of his types in all towers after ex6 team battle.
Answer from: shadow
Well i think the fastest way is really using a password,visit the cheat section of this site;-) or just go online and type in pokemon rumble blast codes there should be lots of results hope this helps
Answer from: shadow
Well you could do what i said in my other comment or use passwords for the game not cheats but passwords made for the game like go to easterly town look for munna here ill give you a 2 free passwords 1.dialga:3402-6485 2.lugia:0442-4822 there you go hope this helps...
Answer from: Dynamite
The Fastest way of getting a legendaries i went the tower in world axle B1f about 10 times. Thats when i got Giratina.
Answer from: XxZECROMxX
Hey dynimite you know nothing you lier giratina appears in graveyards when you complete the game morran. PS:im from puerto rico in vega baja villa pinares
Answer from: pikachu123
i beat all levels in axle town and got 2 legends and i also made a try list. whenever you do not get an encounter with a legend, put a tally on the chart. try it
Answer from: gooberpika
I have a ton of legendaries like lugia dialga groudon cobalion virizion palkia and terrakion but i really want a darkrai giritine reshiram and zekrom but i just still dont have my favorite it deffanatly reshiram i wish you guys luck on getting your first shiny and hint hint if you find a dialga better use a pokemon with dig because his attack roar of time it goes in a circle so you cant dodge the move so i wish you luck on your first shiny lauch pad
Answer from: King Michael
You have to use deoxys attack form to move fast so you can get any legendary pokemon in every place i got zekrom, lugia, reshiram, bug boost dialga, snappy latias, daring palkia, rally giratina, heatran, cresselia, lobber deoxys attack form, virizion, and groundon.
Answer from: jashan
Here is some fast ways to get legends: 1 get a speedy + or speedy ++ speed through the level [no rumpus rooms] and then that wold make it up to 10 % to make a shiny lauchpad. 2 speedy plus or speedy plus plus go to the location where the legend is if the talking pokemon is on the right press r or if the talking pokemon is on the left press L behind the 3ds then talk to the talking pokemon then hold the oppisite button of the one you were holding then hold to the whole level then you should have a shiny launch pad if not try the methods again. I have 3 reshiram's, one vrizion, one terrakion and three cobalion's
Answer from: Awesomeman33
I used a Ninjask (for speed), a Speedy+ Mienfoo (same reason), a few different Arceus in my collection (for sweepers), and those tricks I tried. Basically they never worked. So, yeah. There is no trick to getting a legendary, really. Just luck. ( Especially for Arceus hunting. The Rayquazas are making me barf!)
Answer from: Turboblazer
Get a speedy pokemon, teach it a move that raises its speed, and go through the level as mant times as it takes.
Answer from: Dude
You need a speedy ++ with agility for better chances of get legendarys
Answer from: Pikachu emblem
You need a speedy ++ with agility and double team
Answer from: arcues106
Run with deoxys ( normal form)
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Source: https://www.chaptercheats.com/qna/3ds/102233/Pokemon-Rumble-Blast-Answers.htm?qid=11132
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